Skincare for Life
Age-Specific • Gender Neutral
Indispensable S
05-10 year olds
and all dry and sensitive skin types
Moisturizing system rich in Loofah oil to protect the skin from climate and pollution. Active ingredient Lipexel® with ORGANIC Chamomilla and Shea Butter. YUKA 93%!
Indispensable M
10-15 year olds
and all combination skin types
A moisturizer based on 100% organic cellular water to balance the skin and limit acne. Active ingredient Onativ’® Organic Apple and Sesame oil. 100% YUKA!
Indispensable L
15 year olds+
and all oily skin types
An antibacterial, non-comedogenic lotion with a unique combination of Zinc and Gluconate to soften and beautify the skin. Active ingredient Givobio ™ GZn with ORGANIC Apricot Kernel Oil and Mentha Flowers. YUKA 93%!